For Immediate Release
July 21, 2017
Contact: Jon Melegrito
Tel. 202-361-0296
Email: jdmelegrito@gmail.com
FilVetREP announces events and updates commemorating “Call to Service” leading up to National Awards Ceremony in Washington, DC
Washington, DC. The Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project (FilVetREP) is commemorating July 26th as the anniversary of President Franklin Roosevelt’s Military Order 81 for Filipino soldiers in World War II by announcing national activities and updates for the Filipino Veterans of World War II Congressional Gold Medal, including plans for a National Celebration in Washington, DC.
On July 26, 1941, President Roosevelt issued a Military Order calling the Philippine Commonwealth Army into the newly created U.S. Army Forces of the Far East. Upon attacks in Pearl Harbor and Manila later that year, these soldiers were brought into direct combat as the U.S. officially entered WWII. FilVetREP echoes this “Call to Action” by mobilizing volunteers around the country for its “Remember, Register, Recognize” #RRRFilVetREP campaign to raise awareness about Filipino WWII veterans and the Congressional Gold Medal.
What: FilVetREP “Call to Action” announcing a slate of nationwide events and news related to the Filipino Veterans of World War II Congressional Gold Medal
Who: Retired U.S. Army Major General Antonio M. Taguba and other FilVetREP leaders will be taking part in events around the country
Where: Locations of events is in formation and includes: Washington, DC; Houston, TX; Secaucus, New Jersey; San Francisco, CA
When: July 26, 2017 and other events TBA
The Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project (FilVetREP), is a nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, community-based, all-volunteer national initiative whose mission is to obtain national recognition of Filipino and American WW11 soldiers across the United States and the Philippines for their wartime service to the U.S. and the Philippines from July 26, 1941 to December 31, 1946. For more information about Filipino WWII veterans and how to get involved, visit our website at www.filvetrep.org or find us on Facebook or Twitter.